Believe it or not, there is a problem when the first 2 days of skiing are powder days: too sore on day 3! Luckily day 3 only reached 8 degrees, so there was not one bit of guilt making it a short, lazy ski day– ok, maybe a little guilt. I did learn a few new things about myself though… 1) I have always known that I am very dependent on the sun for my happiness. I tend to get a little bit of the wintertime blues which never seem to hit in the summer. What I learned is that sometimes, gloomy and snowy […]

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I should start by warning you that I am sort of stuck on this whole groove or rut thing. As we settled into our second day in Snowmass, we felt compelled to visit the same restaurant we visited the prior year– Matsuhisa. Eating sushi definitely makes me feel like I am in a groove. I think I could eat it everyday, but I don’t. Maybe that’s why it always excites me, and why I always finish wanting more. Too much of a good thing can make you forget to appreciate what you have. Sushi is one of those foods that can be scary if you […]
Anyone wonder how we are able to travel so much? Here is your answer… See this photo? It was taken 5 years ago on our honeymoon. Now see this photo? This was taken a week ago on our 5-year anniversary. So that is our secret. Money that would be spent on new clothes, goes toward traveling! The weird thing about it is, for some reason, we both decided to pack these outfits– without consulting each other. I haven’t worn this since our honeymoon, and I’m ashamed to say it is still in my closet. Then we both decided to wear […]
Just when you thought I had moved on from tacos and tequila, here I go again. I just returned from a long weekend in Playa del Carmen, so the ski trip report has to be on hold for one more post. Just when I finished writing about Playa del Carmen, I did it again– I went back! This trip was not just any trip, it was a surprise from my husband– for our 5th anniversary! Five years ago, Nick and I went to PDC with 85 of our closest friends and family and got hitched. A return trip seemed like the perfect […]
Ever wonder what the difference is between a groove and a rut? We frequently joke about this in my family. For example, some would say our repeated trips to Mexico are a rut, but Nick and I think we are in a groove. I mean, we do travel to other places also, and I could give a million other reasons why it works for us. Or, take my dad for example. About 10 years ago, he was on a kick of eating peanut butter and banana sandwiches every day. Then it was salmon everyday. Then it was baked potatoes everyday. […]
After spending several months reminiscing about a 10 day trip to Mexico, it has occurred to me that I learned some interesting things while there. So here is my list of the top 5 most random things I’ve learned: 1) Pork is yummy! Over the past few years, I have heard so much hype about tacos al pastor, that I couldn’t resist it any longer. Being Jewish, I never ate pork growing up. Maybe the occasional bacon, but that doesn’t really count. Everyone eats bacon, right? It’s not because growing up we kept strict kosher dietary laws, it just wasn’t […]
I have a confession to make, except it’s not really mine to make. My husband has a small obsession with tequila. That’s not the problem though. The problem is that every time we pass a tequila shop in Mexico, he has to go in to check it out– just to look. I’m always rolling my eyes thinking, “what’s going to be different this time?” I love tequila too, but after one or two stores I feel complete, knowing I’ve seen enough. When I go into these stores though, it raises some questions for me about people and their tastes. The […]
I’m finally close to rounding out my Mexico trip. It’s hard to believe I am still writing about a time when this was going on:and this:and this: No trip to Playa would be complete without a few visits to El Fogon. A few years ago when looking for the ultimate in real, local Mexican food, we were directed to El Fogon. It is a few blocks into town and away from the tourist strip, but that still doesn’t stop most visitors for stopping in for a meal. I think many of us are in search of an authentic experience when […]
During our hunt for a great lunch, I felt drawn to try Origenes for two reasons: I had seen really great reviews of it, and it was very close to our beach spot. It’s in a great setting just off of the beach at the north end of town. In a clean, modern space with a palapa-style roof, you can be sheltered while you enjoy the fresh air. The staff was incredibly personable and welcoming. The food here is a little bit fancier and dressed up than most of the places we were eating in Mexico. They brought out some complimentary fish tostadas […]
Anyone ever wonder why we want to eat fish but don’t want it to taste like fish? What other food do you order hoping it doesn’t taste like the food that it is? Rational or not, I’m proud to say I am a member of that club. Yes, I would prefer my fish to taste more like, well, nothing. Okay, that’s a slight exaggeration, but while I don’t want it to taste like chicken, I certainly don’t want it to taste fishy. Eww! Anyway, it’s hard to pass up seafood while down on the Mexican coast, and we wanted to […]