My favorite part of dentistry was always creating the positive and fun relationships with patients.
In fact, the good relationships may have been the only thing I liked about practice. I’ve always enjoyed connecting with people. Unfortunately the actual practice of dentistry got so hard for me that I lost sight of that for a while.
Now that I get to help people while filling my own bucket, I remember how important connecting with people is to me. Since I’ve begun coaching, I have had the chance to connect and get to know the most incredible people– mostly dentists, of course!
Dentists are actually pretty cool people!
Whether I’m meeting colleagues or clients, or just having a single email exchange with a dentist; I have been lucky to enjoy every single one of these connections.
Recently, I made a new friend who is a dentist in the UK. Meet James. When Covid shutdowns began in March, he decided to get creative. James had always been interested in trading and investing– especially cryptocurrencies. With all that extra time on his hands, James dove into learning more about crypto’s and how he could create a little more financial freedom for himself.

That curiosity prompted James to want to connect with other dentists with similar interests. So basically, he started creating YouTube videos, and he started a really great Facebook group specifically for dentists who enjoy trading. His group gained popularity very quickly, and James started a podcast too!
Basically, what I’m getting at is… James and I have had a really fun conversation on his podcast.
He is a super dynamic guy, and we had a great time chatting about finding alternatives to clinical dentistry. So, go have a listen, join his Facebook group, check out his YouTube channel, and get his free eBook about crypto investing!
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