Limiting beliefs are so sneaky, we often don’t even know they’re there.
It’s easy to walk through life believing that what we see is the absolute truth. We do it all the time, and it’s pretty easy to do. In fact, it’s much harder to challenge what we believe. We often don’t even know that limiting beliefs might be behind some of our most apparent truths.
Truth ambiguity is everywhere. Take politics. How is it that 50% of the people can see an event one way, and the other 50% see a totally different story? Or, how is it that some dentists who decide they want more than clinical practice can easily create side businesses and hobbies, but others feel paralyzed in their own lack of ideas? Everything we choose to do or be in this world is based on our belief systems.
How do we know what is true and what is Truth (with a capital T?)
Something that is a Truth is a universal fact– like gravity. There is no disputing gravity. Something that is true is based on our beliefs– sometimes limiting beliefs. How about the Friday the 13th superstition? Clearly, the idea that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day is not a Truth, but it can be true for us. If you’ve experienced enough bad luck on Friday the 13th, you might begin to believe that the day is doomed, and you should just stay home on that day forever.

What if Friday the 13th is truly an unlucky day? Or what if it turns out to be unlucky for you because based on your belief about it, you tend to notice that bad things happen more on that day than any other day?
We can easily turn those limiting beliefs on their head.
I was always fascinated with this idea that a simple day could create such behavior changes in people. I don’t know how it happened, but years ago on one particular Friday the 13th, I resisted the notion that I was destined to have a sh*t day. Instead, I noticed that this particular Friday the 13th was incredible! So many great things happened that day. In my mind, I forever decided that Friday the 13th always was and always will be the best day.
Ever since making that decision, my new belief about Friday the 13th actually rings true. Still today, I consistently acknowledge that I love the day. It’s always a good one.
And just like that, I was able to shift a quite silly limiting belief.
That’s a pretty easy example, but how do we do it when it’s a belief that holds much higher stakes? Let’s take the belief that many of us have about our careers: my training in dentistry was so specific that I have no other skills. I’ve thought that before. In fact, that very belief kept me feeling stuck in my dental career for years.
Admit it. You probably think that too.
When we hold that perception, we don’t see options for ourselves. Without options, we may begin to feel hopeless. And that hopelessness only continues the cycle that makes us stay paralyzed right where we are.
We can challenge such an important belief to create an attitude shift.
That limiting belief that we have no other skills may be true for you in any given moment, but it’s not a Truth. It’s not True at all. Imagine if you could believe that you DO have other skills, that you could do anything. If you believed that, then you’d be much more likely to get into any type of action to learn what’s next for you.
How do you actually do that?
It starts with creating awareness; and following awareness, comes challenging the belief. For me, I had to notice that I believed that Friday the 13th would bring me bad luck. Once I stopped and noticed it, I was able to ask myself: How true is that, really?
That’s an easy one. It’s easy to shift a superstition. But I did the same thing with my attitude about my career skills. I asked how true it really was that I had no other skills. While I logically knew I was smart and capable, it took a lot longer to shift that belief. Eventually after a lot of work that included some thinking and some doing, it happened. So it’s really all about gaining the awareness and then challenging it.
You can then shift from letting your thoughts control you, to controlling your thoughts.
It’s asking yourself, “What if there is another way?”
What is holding you back from shifting your belief about having no skills into a new belief? What is holding you back from creating that empowering belief that will help you either make your career change or design your career on your terms and start a side gig? What is getting in your way of getting unstuck and taking some action?
I know… it’s your beliefs and time and other priorities. It’s time to prioritize YOU and join the event of a lifetime, Safari N Side Gigs.
I’ve partnered with my friend, hygienist, and founder of Safari N Smiles, Morris Mugo, to bring you this epic event. You’ll leave behind the daily stressors and obligations of daily life, so you can clear your mind and give yourself the freedom to connect with what you truly want. You’ll immerse yourself in a fresh new environment, so you can tap into your creative thinking and develop your best ideas. And let’s not forget, you’ll have a blast.
Step into a new habitat on an African safari, connect with like-minded professionals, and learn from dental industry leaders who will help you take a deep dive into starting your side gig.
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