Would you agree that our perspective dictates everything we experience in life? We often hear how our thoughts create our reality. In a way, that’s true, but really, it’s more accurate to say that our thoughts create our perception of reality. Two weeks ago, I sprained my ankle. Yup. Just as I was getting myself back into a gym routine, I had another setback. I wish I could say it was a super cool accident, but it wasn’t. Leaving the gym, I missed a step, and landed on the top of my foot. I heard a giant crack and, seconds...
We often hear how we can manifest what we want simply by thinking about the very thing. It’s the Law of Attraction. My first exposure to this kind of thinking was when The Secret came out quite a few years ago. While some of the principles seemed pretty cool, I remember thinking, “so, if I say I want to win the lottery, then I will win it? Why hasn’t it worked yet?” I didn’t buy into it, and I’m not sure I want to. We can’t just say we want this or that and expect to get it. It’s not...
Last week I wrote about the human decency that we can learn from (ironically) dogs. Later that same day 2 interesting things caught my attention. First, on a walk with Nola, we ran into her old acquaintance, Lady, whom we hadn’t seen in a while. Deep down Nola always wants to jump on everyone she sees, but somehow she has learned a little about how to greet other dogs. She usually knows to come in slowly for a more smooth greeting. She often cowers down, puts her bum on the ground, and sometimes even rolls over on her back. It...
Do you ever think that when things are going great in life, they are bound to take a turn for the worse? That you’re just waiting for the other shoe to drop? Or that things have been going way too smoothly, so surely it has to get difficult soon? I used to kind of worry about that. Whenever life seemed perfect without any challenges sprinkled in, I anticipated a storm was to follow. Not only did I believe that I shouldn’t expect things to continue getting even better, but I assumed that good times were absolutely destined to be followed by...