Many of us graduated dental school thinking the only way to be a dentist was to have your own private practice. With practice ownership, you get to have all the control, make all the important decisions, and be the one in charge. However, with practice ownership, you have to have all the control, make all the important decisions, and be the one in charge. That responsibility isn’t for everyone. More and more, we are starting to see that dentistry doesn’t have to be a one-size-fits-all profession. Today so many young dentists are finishing school with massive debt, that they don’t...
Welcome to my guest blogger, Dr. Michelle Mudge-Riley! Dr. Mudge-Riley is a physician, an entrepreneur, and founder of Physicians Helping Physicians. She runs multiple businesses and has spent over 15 years assisting physicians with career strategy. In a 2010 book that she co-authored, Physicians in Transition, she was called the “Doctor’s Doctor” because of her success in working with other doctors. Dr. Michelle Mudge-Riley is here to share her knowledge to help you in your search for non-traditional careers for dentists. She is also my co-host for the upcoming FREE Dentist Career Change Masterclass and the big NEXT Dentist Conference...
How much did you know about dentistry before you chose it as your forever career? If you’re like me, not much. Many of us interviewed a few dentists, spent a handful of afternoons shadowing them, or just found teeth interesting as patients. We chose dentistry based on a somewhat superficial impression of the work involved. You can see how easy it would be get into the career and then realize it’s totally wrong for us. Imagine if you did that with your romantic relationships. Imagine marrying someone after you’ve only met for coffee 5 times. It would be kind of...
Getting through the current events will either require or create a lot of resilience in each of us. It seems like there has not been a time in our lives where we have felt so much discord. With Coronavirus, the economy, politics, racism, the media, social media, and more; life just feels hard these days. Despite all of the negativity we experience in this present moment, one good thing will come out of it: we will all become more resilient– no matter what. We might struggle to see the good that can come out of this, but becoming more resilient...
Why does it always take a big shake-up in life to get our attention? We often go through life on auto-pilot, making decisions and taking actions that we think will give us the life we want. Over time we get so caught up in our routine, that we don’t even think about what our priorities are anymore. We wake up, go to the work we chose, often wishing it were Saturday. Once the day gets going, things might be fine, but how inspired and motivated are we, really? We try. We use the New Year, whether that’s in January or...
As humans, judgment is part of our inherent nature. We need judgment to protect ourselves from threats. As a species it is one of our strongest defense mechanisms. While it can help us in many ways, it can also create problems with relationships– especially our relationship with ourselves. While it’s necessary to discern between safety and danger, it doesn’t always serve us when we are not in danger. At a time when we are isolated and not even around other people, our judgment of others is out in full force. Take being outside, for example. While we have to be...
Is it too late to talk about the New Year? Probably… I know some would say we’re way beyond talk of resolutions, intentions, and productivity. My procrastination made me miss the hype that comes with Jan 1, the hype that reminds us how much fun it is get to “start over” and hope and plan for better things to come. Yes, this is what procrastination does: it makes you start a blog post the second week in January, and then you don’t sit down to finish it until 6 weeks later. I felt motivated. I promise. I knew my plans...
We often hear how we can manifest what we want simply by thinking about the very thing. It’s the Law of Attraction. My first exposure to this kind of thinking was when The Secret came out quite a few years ago. While some of the principles seemed pretty cool, I remember thinking, “so, if I say I want to win the lottery, then I will win it? Why hasn’t it worked yet?” I didn’t buy into it, and I’m not sure I want to. We can’t just say we want this or that and expect to get it. It’s not...
How do you use intuition in your life? Merriam Webster defines intuition as “the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference.” In other (easier to understand) words, it’s that wisdom that is guided by your feelings. It’s what you know in your gut to be true. Rationality and reasoning don’t factor in here. In the professional world, we often think there is no room for woo-woo stuff like feelings and heart. However, the best leaders often credit their intuition for their success. Knowing how powerful intuition is to guide us, I’ve...
If you’ve ever done yoga, you’ve probably gone to a class where they happen to talk about the one theme you needed to hear that day. It happens to me often. Sometimes my blog posts do that for someone too. I hope this one arrives on a day you need it. Several months ago, the day my hair started falling out, I randomly went to yoga, and the teacher spoke all about what happens when it seems like our world is falling down around us. Literally a part of me– my hair– was falling down around me by the handful,...