What are some jobs that dentists can do? I get this question all the time. We all wish we could get a hold of that top secret list of other jobs dentists can do, don’t we? It’s a good question, and creating a collective brainstorm with others is a great way to find new options. But the question is flawed. It’s flawed because it’s the wrong question, and it doesn’t work. I see it all the time in my Facebook group. Someone posts the question, and a lot of people join this collective brainstorm. It’s great to see everyone come out...
Want to know my best tip for finding alternative careers for dentists? Stop asking everyone else what they do outside of dentistry! I know that sounds counter-intuitive, but the truth is, the question never works. Instead, you end up with a list of ideas, none of which sound good at all. I see this happen all the time in my Facebook group and with my clients. Plus, that used to be me when Google was the only resource available. I would find myself on the endless roller coaster, vacillating between obsessive googling of other career options and deciding to settle...
Read about the one and only NEXT Dentist Career Design Conference on March 13th 2021 to help you explore non-traditional or non-clinical careers! If you’re like many of the dentists I know, you may have wondered what are some alternative careers for dentists. I’ve been searching for this answer for years. It seems to be the elusive question that no one in our industry can answer. Even now if you search this on Google, there is no clear cut answer about what options we have outside of clinical practice. The ADA has a list of different ideas, but even if...
I’ll just cut to the chase here. This doesn’t need any introductions or explanations. I would love for you to join my FREE Dentist Career Change Masterclass! Join me on January 31st at 3:00 PM EST. This is a great way to get 2021 started, and it will not be recorded, so schedule some time to take care of yourself! If you have spent years wondering why you feel unfulfilled but not sure why, there’s no time like the present to consider that you have options. I know… we don’t really think our dental careers can look any different than...
How much did you know about dentistry before you chose it as your forever career? If you’re like me, not much. Many of us interviewed a few dentists, spent a handful of afternoons shadowing them, or just found teeth interesting as patients. We chose dentistry based on a somewhat superficial impression of the work involved. You can see how easy it would be get into the career and then realize it’s totally wrong for us. Imagine if you did that with your romantic relationships. Imagine marrying someone after you’ve only met for coffee 5 times. It would be kind of...