Today I feel like I have blogging A.D.D. This jumping from Mexico to Colorado back to Mexico, back to Colorado again, to Panama, and now back to Colorado has me a little foggy. Where am I? And where am I going next? Did I really eat Tacos al Pastor in Snowmass, or am I just that confused? Well, I have the proof that I did indeed have tacos al pastor! Finally, a photo of these tacos. Thanks to Venga Venga in Snowmass Village, I was able to warm up with these tasty tacos that brought back memories of my time in Mexico. This isn’t the typical...
Believe it or not, there is a problem when the first 2 days of skiing are powder days: too sore on day 3! Luckily day 3 only reached 8 degrees, so there was not one bit of guilt making it a short, lazy ski day– ok, maybe a little guilt. I did learn a few new things about myself though… 1) I have always known that I am very dependent on the sun for my happiness. I tend to get a little bit of the wintertime blues which never seem to hit in the summer. What I learned is that sometimes, gloomy and snowy...
Ever wonder what the difference is between a groove and a rut? We frequently joke about this in my family. For example, some would say our repeated trips to Mexico are a rut, but Nick and I think we are in a groove. I mean, we do travel to other places also, and I could give a million other reasons why it works for us. Or, take my dad for example. About 10 years ago, he was on a kick of eating peanut butter and banana sandwiches every day. Then it was salmon everyday. Then it was baked potatoes everyday....