Today I feel like I have blogging A.D.D. This jumping from Mexico to Colorado back to Mexico, back to Colorado again, to Panama, and now back to Colorado has me a little foggy. Where am I? And where am I going next? Did I really eat Tacos al Pastor in Snowmass, or am I just that confused?
Well, I have the proof that I did indeed have tacos al pastor! Finally, a photo of these tacos. Thanks to Venga Venga in Snowmass Village, I was able to warm up with these tasty tacos that brought back memories of my time in Mexico. This isn’t the typical presentation you would find in Mexico. There’s a little more frill here. While I’m a bit of a purist when it comes to my tacos, great flavor is the key element for me. Although these were a slightly different take on traditional tacos al pastor, they did not disappoint. The steak tacos were also a hit! And, we can’t forget the guacamole and their rockin’ salsa…
Am I the only one who is not a fan of guacamole made tableside? I think it’s gimmicky and seems like an excuse to charge $11 for guac. As long as you bring me delicious smashed up avocados, I don’t need the show. Their guac was decent, but I actually liked the salsa better. On the flip side, the tacos were $15 entrees, a deal when compared to the standard $40 entree you find in Aspen/Snowmass. Venga Venga has Modelo Especial on tap which, being such a popular Happy Hour option, was crushed by the time we arrived for our 6:30 dinner.
I am a sucker for a good tres leches. This one had a little extra kick of deliciousness with toffee smothered on top!!!Now for more blogging A.D.D…
Did you know they have dog sledding in Snowmass? I didn’t, until I saw it with my own eyes. We were lucky enough to see it from the ski lift.
Could be a fun excursion!
Okay, my last blogging A.D.D moment for the day. If you didn’t catch my last post, check out my video for the Isla Palenque Island Intern Contest. If you like it, click on the thumbs up!
Coming soon… The Big Easy, baby!
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